Машины для удаления щетины с кашемира доставлены в Монголию



Машины для удаления щетины с кашемира доставлены в Монголию

Недавно наша компания завершила производство для одного из наших монгольских клиентов. И машины для кардочесания шерсти будут перевезены в Улан-Батор, столицу Монголии, через порт Эренхот. Сообщается, что общая сумма перевезенных на этот раз машин составляет около 160000 долларов США, и используются три плоских прицепа (17,5 метров).


It is worth mentioning that after installation, the carding machines will serve vocational and technical schools in each province of Mongolia for daily teaching activities. It is a procurement activity of livelihood education led by the relevant government departments of Mongolia.


Why choose the Yuanquan? 

A project leader said that after market research, the cashmere carding machines produced and sold by Qingdao Yuanyuan have a market share of more than 80% in the Mongolian market. All the large factories in Ulaanbaatar and surrounding provinces, such as Sor cashmere, Leader Cashmere, Goyo Cashmere, GOBI and others, all use your machines. We know that Yuanquan is famous in the international market for its excellent carding machines and services.

More importantly, because of the equipment you provide will be used in teaching activities, our students can directly enter the major cashmere dehairing enterprises after graduation, because the enterprises also use your wool carding machine.


(Machines Arrived at UB, Mongolia)



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